The 2015 Carlos Güell Corporate Partnership and Philanthropy Awards (XXII Edition)

On October 7th, the “ Círculo de Economia awarded the most prestigious Prizes in Spain on Corporate Partnership and Philantropy,  the “Carlos Güell Awards” to DKV Seguros, Fundación Bancaria La Caixa, Gas Natural Fenosa, and Grupo CIMD for their outstanding performance in corporate sponsorship.

The ceremony took place in Madrid and it was the final act of a long list of events in which Pedro Ralda, as a Secretary of the Jury, helped by the SinergiQ team, coordinated the works of the jury, promoted the Awards amongst relevant corporations and managed all the candidatures dossiers. Furthermore SinergiQ helped in the analysis of each one and submitted a short list of the most outstanding candidates to the Jury during a meeting on April 29th to decide the winners.

In Madrid, Pedro Ralda performed as Master of Ceremonies and had to read the Official Jury Verdict on the prize-winners. Many relevant personalities such as Antonio Brufau (Chairman of Repsol), Antonio Garrigues Walker (Honorary President of Garrigues) or Amadeo Petitbo (General Director of the Rafael del Pino Foundation and former President of the Spanish High Court for the Defense of Market Competition) were present.

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